Friday, November 03, 2006

WOO HOO...My site has been updated!!!

AS HOMER SIMPSON WOULD SAY...."WOO HOO!!!" My website finally has some regular updates and will continue to be updated on a more regular basis.

Dennis has been working hard to learn how to edit/post pictures in both the members and free section....he is also in the process of learning how to edit/post video....

I would like to thank everyone for being so patient with the lack of of right now,it will be updated on a daily basis.

My bio has been updated, and check out the what's new photos!!!!

Thanks again.

Love Mindi O


Anonymous said...

Please update the site more frequently. And is it possible to include some video of you doing your amazing abdominal muscle control. Over the past year I caught 2 videos where you only gave a "tease" of your ab muscle movements. I'd love to see a focused session you showing off your abs contraction, wave and other nauli movements. Thanks, A big fan.

Mindi O'Brien said...

My site has been recently fact there have been 9 updates since the beginning of November and there will video updates coming soon. Dennis and I have just recently took over my site, so we will make sure that there will be consistant updates of both, video and photos....
I will make sure that there will be more abdominal video as well....

Thanks for all your support and thank you for being very patient...


Mindi O