Friday, August 01, 2008


Top Women in Focus: Leanne Grechulk
Interview by: Lipstick Lifestyle
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Leanne Grechulk is the founder of HealthyGirl, an online wellness company for women, whose main goal is to inspiring women to find better balance in their lives.
Leanne shares with us what it is like to be an entrepreneur and how we can become successful.

When you were a little girl, what did you want to be?A dancer!
Where did the idea for HealthyGirl come from?After working as a marketing and sales manager for many Fortune 500 companies over the past 10 years, I was burnt out, my friends were burnt out and I literally woke up one morning and decided enough was enough. I have always been passionate about health, fitness and entrepreneurship - HealthyGirl was born!
What type of women are you hoping to help?Corporate women as well as entrepreneurs who would like to maximize their business/results and recognize that improving their health improves their energy, self-esteem, posture and their business.
What has been your greatest accomplishment since starting HealthyGirl?Interviewing and meeting some of my mentors, coaches and role models such as Olympic gold medalists, best-selling authors and speakers as well as the amazing women I meet daily through my business.
What do you think is the main challenge business women battle each day?1) Managing their health while staying on top of and growing their business.
2) Learning to say no.
3) Asking for compensation/money in exchange for the value they provide. Why do we as women have so much trouble asking for a sale?
If there is one change we can make to improve our lives, what might that be?That’s a tough one. Personally, my biggest change was learning to set boundaries and to say ‘no’ when necessary. It seems that this is not uncommon for women in business.
What makes a successful entrepreneur?Imagination, accepting and embracing risk, self-motivation. Of course, reading books regularly is a must!
Who are you influenced by?My trainer, Mindi O’Brien, is one of my fitness idols! For business, I would say Loral Langemeier has had a significant impact on my business philosophy.
What makes you smile?The ocean, my close friends, my four beautiful nephews and my partner Christian.
How do you juggle a career and a personal life?I’ve really been working on this one over the past two years. I find it really has to do with recognizing your energy levels. I know when I’ve been working too hard and I’ve become much better at recognizing when I need a refuel break. My favourite way to do this is running outdoors and walking as well as weight training. Anything fitness works for me. Also, I will sometimes grab a matinee movie if I’m needing a few hours off. This, for me, is great personal time. Travel and music are also two favourite ways to wind down.
What publications/websites do you read?So many! I love Oxygen magazine, Clean Eating magazine, Success magazine and Money magazine. I also read a lot of online articles and blogs: Lipstick lifestyle, Ladies who launch, Namaste (The Chopra Centre),, Live out loud (Loral Langemeier) and anything from one of my favorite mentors on success/leadership, Jim Rohn.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?Mentoring young entrepreneurs around the globe on how to build businesses and how optimal health is a critical factor for success. I’ll certainly be living on the ocean.
What advice would you give to someone wanting to start their own business?Go for it! Life is short and enjoy the ride! If your gut is telling you to start a business, listen!

Thank you Leanne for sharing yourself with us.

Check out ....great site!!!

Great interview Leanne!!! You are such an inspiration to sooo many women....congrats girl!!
Hey.....thank you for the kind's not going to get me to ease up on your training!!! lol

Mindi O

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Would you mind crediting Lipstick Lifestyle for this article and linking back to

Thank you,

Lipstick Lifestyle