Friday, June 23, 2006



Dennis and I want to wish all of our girls competing this weekend at the CBBF Ontario National Qualifier(drug tested) the best of luck.
All of the hard work has been done, so go and have fun....keep focused, stay positive and lets go and perform...Bring it!!!

Good luck goes out to: Tambra Tufford-just had a baby 10 months ago!!
Jaime Price: smoking hot!!
Tarrah Wynn: stunning!!
Ann Marie Sirko:Our Julia Roberts of Fitness!!
Sarah Gordan: hot routine girl!
Cindy Fox: Foxy woman....let's hit a solid routine!

Dennis and I are behind all of you 100%......

Love Mindi O

The show will be held on Saturday June 24th 2006 at Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School on 1374 Harwood Avenue North in Ajax Ontario.
Pre Judging: 11am
Finals: 6:30pm

Hope to see you all there!!!

1 comment:

Lori-Ann said...

Good luck ladies..i wish i could be there to cheer you all on!! Can't wait to hear all about it and see some pics!!