Monday, January 01, 2007



I hope you all had a wonderful Holiday Season....I did. It was so nice to spend some much needed time with family and friends.
For New Years Eve, Dennis, Alex and I decided to stay in for the evening and enjoy some time together playing games and watching movies. We ended up playing a 4 hour game of Monopoly...Alex kicked our butts big time!!! The boys ate some baked goods and Dennis enjoyed a few drinks....I enjoyed some protein shakes!!! mmmmm!!!! We were all in bed a little after midnight.

Alex has been really taking his weight training very seriously to help improve his overall strength and endurance for rowing. Dennis and I train very early in the mornings, so Alex has been coming to the gym every morning and has joined in on our training.....he's amazing. He has great focus, and really knows the meaning of "train with your brain". His genetic makeup is ridiculous...he has perfect symmetry and his strength is going through the roof!!! It's fun watching and listening to Alex as he describes how great he feels and how he loves the challenge of both weight training and the increase of his cardiovascular training.

My training for the Arnold is going well...I feel great having a focus again....I love eating clean and really enjoy going to the gym and pounding out the weights!!! I will keep you all posted on my training....we will soon be doing daily video updates on my workouts and will also be doing weekly photos....the countdown is on!!! whoo hoo!!!

I wish you all the best for 2007....I'm sure it's going to be a good one!

Lots of love,

Mindi O

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