I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter Weekend!!
First of all, I want to thank everyone who has offered their support and has sent their thoughts and prayers to my cousin Mackenzie and my family after he suffered from a major car accident. Mackenzie is still in critical care, suffering from a broken pelvis, broken shoulder, crushed vertebrae, broken nose, damage to his mouth and swelling of the brain.... He said a few words yesterday, but he has no idea why he is in the hospital....The Dr.'s are seeing daily progress in Mackenzie....hang in there Mack!!
I want to congratulate ANNA KOCIS for earning her WNSO FAME PRO FITNESS CARD over the weekend. Way to go Anna.....see....I told you if you cut out the Timbits you would do well!!!!! Also a big congratulations to Adina Chetan on earning her WNSO FAME PRO FITNESS MODEL status.....Great stage presence and just a beautiful and stunning girl!!! Congrats ladies!!!!
Well, my weekend in NY was ok.....interesting, I guess!!! We ended up leaving for NY on Thursday early evening. We had to drop off my little girl, "Happy", off at my mom's house and then we proceeded to head on over the border. It took us about 7-7.5 hours to arrive in NJ. (we decided to stay in NJ this time...it was a lot cheaper, our hotel had a full kitchenette, a gym, and it was quite private. Angie Semsch also stayed in the same hotel, so thankfully I carpooled with them to and from the show...the traffic was terrible going through the Holland Tunnel!!
We arrived at the hotel at 4am on Friday morning. After we checked in, we unpacked, watched TV and then at 6am, we headed to the restuarant for a quick breakfast. After breakfast, Dennis and Alex decided that they wanted to go swimming, so off to the pool they went!!! I was quite stiff from sitting in the car that long, so I decided to go do some cardio and stretching. We met back in the room, had a quick shower, got dressed and then headed out to the mall.(The Jersey Gardens Mall) We walked around the mall for a few hours and then decided to go out for a BIG, JUICY Steak!!! MMMMMM it was sooooooooooooooo good!!!! After our late lunch, we decided to head back to the hotel and catch a nap. We lounged around the hotel for most of the evening, Dennis applied my protan and then we all went to bed. The alarm was set for 3am Saturday morning. Angie and I had to be in NY at the Tribeca Theatre for 8am, so I wanted to make sure I was ready to go....I met Angie and Roger at 7:15am and we headed over to the venue. We arrived just on time for athlete registration.....there were 16 fitness pros competing in my division....(most of the girls I had already competed with, but some were making their pro debut) During registration, we were told that the order of the events were being changed. We were starting with our 45 second routine, followed by our 1 piece round and finishing with the two piece round....this was the first time I have competed in this order......we usually compete in the reverse order!!!
The first round (45 second) routine went really well. I nailed all of the compulsory moves, my transitions felt smooth and overall, I feel my routine was solid. I usually get a little nervous when it comes to the physique rounds....I feel that every time I compete and every time I step on stage I bring a better physique and overall package, but I never know how the judges will perceive me.....I usually get 2nd or 3rd callouts....but this time I finally received a first round callout in my 1 piece and a 2nd callout in my 2 piece....I was a little relieved!!!! I did however find the callouts and comparisons a little strange....every one of the girls who were called out in the first callouts all brought a different package to the stage...some soft and some hard....there really weren't any similarities....hmmmm???
That concluded the morning show....we had to return to the evening show by 6pm. We headed back to the hotel to eat and freshen up. I had enough time to grab a 30 minute nap, eat and touch up my makeup and then back out the door to fight the NY traffic....Roger suggested that we leave at least an hour earlier to make sure we get there on time...thank God we did, because the traffic was horrendous!!! When we arrived at the theatre, we had a bit of time to warm up, go through some tumbling, and run through our routine patterns.....then the show began!!! We started the evening show with our 2 minute fitness routine....My routine started of really well...I felt strong, powerful and had a ton of energy , but something really weird happened to me half way through my routine....it was the weirdest thing and this never happens to me, but while I was doing my back tuck, half way through the move, my brain decided that it was calling it quits....I opened up right in the middle of the tuck and I thought for sure I was going to land on my head...I didn't, but I ended up looking like a giant frog flying through the air and i had to put my hands down....what a dumb move!!! The rest of my routine was solid and overall I felt ok.... It was definitely not one of my best routines, but it was OK and i received a great response from the crowd!!! The next two rounds were our 2 piece and our one piece for awards. Only the top three athletes were presented with awards....In 1st place...Julie Childs, 2nd place: Heidi Fletcher and in 3rd place: Amy Haddad.
When I left the show, I had know idea where I placed, but I found out yesterday that I placed 5th overall. I placed 4th in the one piece round, 7th in the 2 piece round, 4th in the 45 second routine round and 3rd in my 2 minute routine round......I need to go back to the drawing board and put a new plan into action... I will be competing in 12 weeks at the All Star Pro Fitness Championships on July 8th in Little Rock , Arkansas....my goal is to requalify for the Fitness Olympia.
I want to thank all of the competitors who were in my dressing room for making the day so fun and very entertaining!!!! You are all amazing and I can't wait to see all of you again at the next show!!!!
A very special thanks goes out to: Sportlab Nutrition for your support, Berns from Passion Fruit Designs...the suits looked stunning on stage and were extremely comfortable, Fabutan Tanning Studios, Burlington Fitness and Racquet Club, my family and friends for your on going support, but most of all, I want to thank my husbby` Dennis who has been my biggest support system, trainer, mentor, nutritionist and my best friend. Thank you sooooooooooo much!!!!!
After the show, Dennis, Alex and I headed back to the hotel so I could take a quick rinse, and then we headed out for a bite to eat. I was dying for a diet Coke....what an idiot,eh? I ordered a diet coke, a BIG, JUICY Cheeseburger and spicy fries....yummy!!!!
After we finished eating, the three of us headed back to the hotel and within 10 minutes of climbing into bed, we were all fast asleep.
Sunday morning Alex woke up and was soooooooo surprised.....the EASTER BUNNY had visited us during the night. Alex went on an easter egg hunt and found a ton of chocolate. I of course had to make sure they tasted ok, so I had a few!!!!
We were all feeling a little homesick, so we decided that instead of staying over until Monday, we headed home Sunday afternoon. We arrived back in Canada late Sunday evening....we picked up our puppy, "Happy" from my mom's and headed home.
Overall, the weekend was a good one.....I was happy to have been able to spend Easter Sunday with Alex and Dennis and we really enjoyed our trip home.
That concludes my weekend in NY!!!!
You can check out www.bodysport.com for live updates from the show.
Congrats on your placing!! and welcome home:) I hope your cousin continues to improve and keeps making progress. I love reading your blog, you make us all feel like we were there with you!
I wish your cousin a speedy recovery :)
And congratulations on your success at the comp:)
Oh not fair… I want a big juicy steak!! Just have to keep telling myself “just 4 more weeks”… LOL!!
Sounds like an awesome weekend you had and you looked AMAZING!! I agree with Lori-Ann... I was getting all nervous and excited for you just reading it… I swear I was right there beside you… LOL!!
You did really well with your placing and should be very proud of yourself… I think everyone who gets up onstage deserves 1st place, but I guess that’s not quite how it goes :)
Congratulations to the new Pro Card holders!!
I wish your cousin a very speedy recovery. xxx
Hey !!
hope ur cousin gets better soon!!!
congrats on your comp!!! thats amazing!! i also felt as if i was there with you!! thanks its great to hear all your blogs!! your so inspiring !!!
You have evolved so much as a pro and now I think that you look better than the top girls. I would like to finally see you win one already. It disheartening as a Canadian competitor to see that "International" pro shows are not really international at all since they favour the American girls. Love reading your blog and I am really hoping to see you win soon. All the best wishes!
Congrats, and that black top looks awesome one you!
Stay Hard, Stay Strong!
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