This morning after I got home from the gym, I received a very sad and upsetting phone call from both my sister and my father. My cousin Mackenzie was riding his bike home from his rowing practice last night and was struck down by a pick up truck. Mackenzie is in the hospital in critical condition. Mackenzie is suffering with a broken pelvis, broken wrist, lost most of his teeth and there is swelling of the right side of his brain....he is now in a coma.
I am sooooooo sad and feel horrible for my Aunt Lori, and my cousins, Sarah and Tess.
I am hoping to go see him tomorrow morning before we leave for NY.
Get well soon Mack...
Well, tomorrow we leave for NY for the NY PRO SHOW. Alex is so excited to be going to NY. He has been on the count down since we first told him that he was coming....I love to see his eyes light up every time he talks about it!!! I am really looking forward to spending time after the show touring the city with the boys!!
I am also looking forward to seeing all of the competitors this weekend. The line up looks pretty good. There are a lot of talented athletes attending this show. Should be a good one and I'm happy to be part of it.
I want to thank BERNS from PASSION FRUIT DESIGNS, for sponsoring me with two beautiful suits....they are so classy and elegant. Thank you so much!!!
Thanks to Trent Hinde from Sportlab Nutrition for my supplements, Fabutan Tanning Salons for the amazing beds, Nancy Marr for the painful, but helpful massages, Kenny from Wizards Hair Salon and Burlington Fitness and Racquet Club for allowing me to use your beautiful facility...private, clean and amazing equipment!!! Thank you for all your support and friendship.....OH, and of course, all of my incredible members.....thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
Well, wish me luck....I will update my blog page as soon as I get home!!!

Hey Mindi, I'm sorry to hear about your cousin. I send my wishes for a speedy recovery to him and your family--what a horrible accident. Happens too often--soo sad.
Good luck to you this weekend at the show, we'll all be cheering for ya from back here! Alex must be so proud of you--what a great feeling to know both your #1 guys will be there for you :)
Good luck and can't wait to see the pics!!
Sending get well vibes to your cousin!! I hope all turns out well:)
Good luck for your comp!!!!
You look AMAZING so go out there and give it all you've got:)
And remeber to have some fun while your over there and see all the sights!!
So sorry to hear about your cousin also - just terrible news.
Have an awesome time this weekend - try and stay away from the chocolate...yeah right - as if you would even be tempted!!!
That is just awful news about your cousin Mindi... I hope he has a quick recovery. I hope your family has a good Easter despite this and good luck with your show!! Can't wait to hear the results xxx
Hey Mindi, I watched your competition on bodybuilding live (they have the coolest new live broadcasting link) and i have to say---You looked BEAUTIFUL!!! Your stage presence and grace couldn't be matched. I love your posing and your suits sparkled really complimenting your figure. I hope you had (are having) a great time down there and you should be very proud of yourself because everyone here at home is!!! Have a safe trip back! See you in a couple of weeks (if you are going to Stratford).
I support you for the drama which crosses this period of your life. keep going on.
Hey everyone!!!
Thank you all so much for sending your get well wishes to my cousin Mackenzie. He is making progress daily, but the Dr.'s don't know how bad/severe his other injuries are...their main concern is bringing the swelling of the brain down. He's a trooper...he won't give up.
Thank you to all of you for your support on my way to the NY PRO Show...It really means a lot and it is very motivating.
You're way to cute....thank you so much for sending me your positive comments and words of encouragement. I'm not sure if I will be able to make it to the Stratford show...Alex will be coming home from a school trip that day...if i can arrange for someone to pick him up, I will be there. If not, I will see you around...I will have to make a trip to your store!!!
Love Mindi O
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